The pages are async Javascript functions that return HTML markup. They will be inserted into layouts if you are using that.
module.exports = async function($) {
// Set the name of the layout, defaults to 'default'
$.page.layout = 'default',
// The page title
$.page.title = 'home'
return /* html */`
This is your page content.
The orb object $
is sent through here and then sent to the layout. That means that the layout has access to anything you add to it in your page function. $.page.title
and $.page.description
are usually set here and used in the layout.
You can set the layout of the page with $.page.layout = 'name'
, where name
corresponds to the file name in the app/layouts
folder. Default is app/layouts/default.js
The orb object $
also contains the $
property, which is the name of the current page you're on. It can be used together with $
to determine the link of the current page and language:
`<a href="${$.link($}">`
Page routes
The routes of your pages are defined by the folder structure under app/pages
. A file in app/pages/index.js
will be matched by /
in the browser. If you want the route URL to be /projects/list/
you place a file in app/pages/projects/list/index.js
The file app/pages/about.js
will have the route URL /about
and the file app/pages/projects/users.js
can be found at /projects/users
Dynamic URLs can be achieved by using an underscore (_
) in front of the folder name or the file name. For example, the structure /posts/_id
will match the URL /posts/hello
and $
will have the value hello
inside your page.
You can also have routes share the same page which is very convenient if you want to have your pages in multiple languages. Have a look at the route config info for more on that.
Create HTML tags using template literals, or include your own template library.
`<div>Hello ${name}</div>`
You don't really need a HTML DOM library, but the examples uses Haka, where you can find and manipulate HTML elements with html
, text
, q
and qa
, as well as cookie and form handling functions.
You can also use libraries like JQuery if you want, it's up to you.
Page functions
Functions can be run on the server or in the browser. They can also be shared between server and browser. Functions using the DOM can't be run on the server, like document.querySelector
, alert
and window
. Likewise, file access and NodeJS specific APIs don't run in the browser.
Functions that simply return strings or does plain Javascript can be shared. Let me show you how:
module.exports = async function($) {
function serverOnly() {
// Do NodeJS stuff that doesn't run in the browser
return `<div>server</div>`
function browserOnly() {
// Do browser things
return `<div>browser</div>`
function shared() {
// Do things that work everywhere
return `<div>shared</div>`
return /* html */`
This is your home page.
<!-- Call the shared function, happens on the server -->
// This will embed the functions in the HTML
// You can then call the functions
// Happens in the browser
This will allow you to control exactly what happens on the server and what happens in the browser. It is very useful for SEO and page speed. Create what you need on the server and load the rest from the browser.
It is easy to create functional components:
// Some data from your server API
const items = ['Milk', 'Meat', 'Butter']
// Create the list component
function list(items) {
return `<ul>${ => `<li>${item}</li>`)}</ul>`
// Use the list component somewhere else
// Will give you this
You can create a folder in app/components
if you need to separate concerns:
// Create a component in app/components/contactForm.js
module.exports = async function($) {
return /* html */`
// Include component in your page in app/pages
const contactForm = require('../components/contactForm.js')
module.exports = async function($) {
return /* html */`
<h1>Contact form</h1>
<!-- Insert form component -->
${await contactForm($)}
Properties (props) can be sent as normal javascript function arguments. The component is just a simple Javascript function that returns a string of HTML.
// Prepare the function for receiving props
module.exports = async function($, props) {
// Use the props
return `Name: ${}<br>Email: ${}`
// With destructuring
module.exports = async function($, { name, email }) {
// Use the props
return `Name: ${name}<br>Email: ${email}`
Markdown support
You can also use markdown for your pages. This is a very nice option if you don't need a backend like for writing articles or static pages. In app/pages
simply add a file ending in .md
, for example
# Article title
This is the articles content.
It will be converted to HTML automatically. Code snippets will be automatically syntax highlighted using Prism, just make sure you add the Prism CSS file to app/assets/css
to make it work.
The title of the generated HTML page will be the same as the markdown file name. You can also add some data to the top of your Markdown file to override this:
title: The new article title
description: Meta description for this article
Waveorb has cookie support for storing data between pages.
// On the server
// Set cookie, expires in 30 days
$.req.cookie('name', 'hello')
// Set cookie with custom expiry in days
$.req.cookie('name', 'hello', 365)
// Get cookie
// Delete cookie
$.req.cookie('name', '', -1)
// just remove the $.req in front using Haka in the browser
cookie('name', 'hello')
Read more about how to use cookies in the browser on the Haka page.